Lockerbieish to Loch something or other
I would like to mention firstly that Sonny had his 1st night in the smaller, more enclosed part of the bunk last night. Needless to say he woke up and made me swap with him. Panic attacks and a LOT of moisture in his sleeping bag lead us all to believe he had a code yellow situation in the night. He doth protest too much methinks.
We started out driving to where we finished last night and got on it at a good pace straight away. The morning rituals of bike checks and self massage were firmly in place meaning my knees were behaving themselves:
We made good progress on terrible cycle paths with gradual climbs en route to Glasgow.
We came across another LEJOGer named Dan who we cycled with for a while, - it was nice to talk to someone going through what we were going through, exchanging stories and the like.

We also came across an over excited bunch of teenagers on the outskirts of Glasgow who wanted to know how fast our bikes were, where we were going and if we wanted a race. Obviously we obliged with the later and to be fair, the smallest kid wasn't far behind on his BMX, he must have been going 20mph!
Glasgow slowed us right down. Again, every single traffic light slowed us down!
Lets just say that Glasgow, from what we saw, doesn't like the cyclist but definately likes the beer!!
Phil joined us on the bikes for the last 20 miles or so on what we thought would be a nice road running along side the Loch I can't remember the name of. Turns out it was REALLY busy and the view was almost totally obstructed by trees.

I was hella tired by the end of the day, good job we found a pub that sold us Guiness and loads of food.
Ang was well up for a dance but we had words and kept him in his seat.
He, and Phil continue to do an amazing job looking after us day after day.The end is in sight, everyone is excited to get to the end, we just have to cycle 65 miles and climb Ben Nevis tomorrow before the final 2 days.
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