Well that was a mission!!
We started early to make sure we did't get down to Lands End too late but we just arrived and its gone 9pm.
We set off on time but the shoddy Argos bike rack meant that our bikes HIT THE FLOOR when we went over speed humps. Jebus!
After another hour or so we'd been to Halfords and got another and were on the way.
1st stop was in Bristol to pick up Sonny's Dad, then down to Torquay to get the Canyonero from a very nice couple named Ray and Joy. After some drinks and a tour of the motorhome we set off.
Another 3 hours went by with me and Sonny lounging it up in the back on the sofas and Phil and Ang sharing the driving. Slow going but the motorhome is awesome.
We found Cardinney campsite, 5 miles from Lands End. Sonny's Dad is making us mac n cheese as we're drinking Guiness talking about the 130miles of Cornish hills we'll have to get up tomorrow en route to Tiverton.

Nothing exciting to report yet, hopefully we'll have more to write about tomorrow if we don't expire.
Good luck guys. You are awesome!