Day 4 was, Snowdon 2 hours up, 2 hour down, then 63.2 miles, 14.3 mph avg, 3283 ascent.
We were a little worried about climbing and riding.... but the actual act of riding after climbing is not that bad, the muscle groups are a bit different, as some learned people have told me ;-)
We got up, had breakfast, and drove from our campsite to the base of Snowdon. Phil, our driver/helper/gimp, was coming with us.
We set off, letting Dad look after the Van.
There is not much to say about the actual climb.... we went up a very well marked path, up, and then up some more. The view up to a point was good, but then we realised that all the rest would be cloud, and indeed it was :-(

On the way up we saw a woman with her 4-5 year old child, ON HER BACK, and she was climbing at a decent speed, good work that lady.
As mentioned, and as you can see from the pictures, there was no view to be had at the top, Pants.
There was, however, a shop, and we got some food and a coffee.... semmed silly not to really.
We also saw a group riding mountain bikes down..... I am very sure they took the train up.
The descent was equally uneventful. 2 hrs down and into the canyonero for some food.
We then set off on the ride to Liverpool, Gradient maps said there would be hills..... HOLY MOLY!
I planned this route telling MapMyRide to aviod highways and favor walking.... MISTAKE. We were taken on some pretty sketchy B roads, and had to go up some 20% inclines.
I was about to have a small "toilet incident" at the bottom of a particular hill, fortunatley there was some kind of museum there, and they let me use their "facilities". Reliefe has never felt so.... well you get the picture. (EDIT ANDY - I WISH I had a photo of Sonnys face. The oh so sudden realisation that something explosive was coming still makes me laugh out loud now!!)
We finally broke out of the mountains and headed towards Liverpool, via some massive A road, on which most of the drivers were none to keen to have to slow down for us on our bikes..... I can see their point, but we did not have anytime to make alternative routes etc.
This night, we decided to stay in a hotel, so we all had a slap up meal, and a nice big warm bed to sleep in.
However this Did not change the fact we would be riding to the Lake District..... eeeeK!
Now i hope when climbing Snowdon you had "eye of the tiger" running through your head!!! ;) doing well guys, Andy man up ..... :P Teale x