136.7 Miles, 08:47, 15.6 mph avg, 4991 total ascent.
After our longest day in the saddle ever myself and Walker were feeling decidedly sick on the trip from the campsite back to Tiverton bus station.
We started at around 08:00, and it took us little time to realise that Mr Walker had a problem with his knee.... however we took it easy and started to eat away at the mileage.
Looking at the gradient map we had decided that this day would be easy. This was a pretty stupid mistaka to maka.
We decided to stop after around 40 miles. Just before this point we came to Bridgenorth.... this place was, how can I put it... "basic", i.e. as a Town it had roads, pavement and people living there. That was it... oh and a shedload of factories and units etc.
Then we went on to have our first break at Burnham on Sea. This place was nice, nice in the way that everyone obviously knew eachother well, as it appeared they all had the same Mum/Sister/Uncle..... not the deepest gene pool I have ever encountered. We had a coffee, coke and icecream whilst looking over the bleakist view of the sea I have seen in a while.

We then had a few climbs, followed by 15 miles of boring flats.
The came Bristol. Bristol is after some Hills, some masssive sweat inducing hiils.
We got into town to find Dad and Phil outside Bristol Temple Meads station eyeing up the local talent, good work chaps ;-)
We then got some nice pitta type things, coffee and other assorted goodies (I cannot remember what they were).
Recharged, me and Walker headed off to Gloucester.
By this time Walkers knee was hurting him more...
At this point, we both got quite hungry, we then realised were realising that the route would not take us through Gloucster, we also noticed a KFC, WINNER.
We then had 15 miles of suprise hills, the suprise being that the gradient map averages stuff out, so really steep small hills, do not show up. We crusied into Hereford, ran a red light and got shouted at (Andy shouted back at them, a lot).
135 Miles, DONE.
The chosen campsite was a further 3 miles up the A49. It was a bit old but had power and free wifi.
We were both really tired, and Walkers knee was agony, he had to phone Richard Barnes sports therapist - going to stretch loads and change pedals back to SPD.
Day three, or as it has been titled; Infinite Hills in Wales, is tomorrow, Awesome.
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